Pick to Light System Order Picking Technology
Khoom Taw Qhia
Xaiv rau lub teeb yog ib hom kev txiav txim siab ua tiav thev naus laus zis tsim los txhim kho kev xaiv qhov tseeb thiab ua haujlwm tau zoo, thaum tib lub sijhawm txo koj cov nqi zog. Tshwj xeeb, xaiv rau lub teeb yog paperless; nws ntiav cov ntawv qhia lej lej thiab cov nyees khawm ntawm qhov chaw khaws cia, coj koj cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv kev xaiv lub teeb pom kev zoo, tso, txheeb xyuas, thiab sib dhos.

Dab tsi ntawm Pick to Light System suav nrog?
Lub Cheebtsam ntawm kev xaiv rau lub teeb muaj xws li 3 qhov tseem ceeb, Teeb pom kev zoo Terminals, Barcode Scanner, Xaiv rau Lub Teeb Software.
Teeb pom kev zoo Terminals- Ntau lub teeb tau nruab rau ntawm qhov system racking rau txhua qhov chaw xaiv.
Lub teeb terminals muaj ob hom teeb. Ib qho yog cov tsoos wired teeb pom kev zoo terminals. Nws yog hmoov thiab kev sib txuas lus nrog cov tswj.
Lwm hom yog wifi ternimals. Nws txuas nrog wifi. Qhov no yog qhov tsis siv neeg ntau dua thiab yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam.
Barcode Scanner- nws yog siv los txheeb xyuas cov totes, cartons, yas bins los ntawm kev xaiv.
Xaiv rau Lub Teeb Software- lub kaw lus yog tswj lub teeb thiab sib txuas lus nrog WMS lossis lwm qhov kev tswj hwm lub tsev khaws khoom.
Pick to Light System ua haujlwm li cas?
1, Cov neeg ua haujlwm luam theej duab cov khoom barcodes uas txuas rau lub thawv ntim khoom ib ntus thiab rov siv tau dua, piv txwv li, cov thawv xa khoom.
2, Lub kaw lus teeb pom kev zoo, teeb pom kev los coj tus neeg teb xov tooj mus rau qhov chaw khaws cia. Nyob ntawd, lub kaw lus mam li qhia tias pes tsawg thiab cov khoom twg yuav tsum tau xaiv.
3, Tus neeg teb xov tooj xaiv cov khoom, thiab muab tso rau hauv lub thawv tuav, thiab tom qab ntawd nias lub pob kom paub meej tias qhov kev xaiv.

Xaiv rau Daim Ntawv Thov Teeb
• Kev Lag Luam E: khaws lub tsev khaws khoom, rov ua dua tshiab, xaiv qhov chaw nres tsheb hauv chaw thau khoom
• Automotive: Batch processing and sequencing of baskets and JIT racks for the assembly lines.
• Ntau lawm: cov chaw nres tsheb sib dhos, teeb tsa thiab tso tshuab